150 ML
Art. No. 10080210
Belangrijke aanwijzingen
€ 7,29 1
1 l = € 48,601
Je hebt de volgende artikelen toegevoegd aan je winkelwagen:
Concentrate for cleaning cooling circuits. Deposits in the cooling/heating system create blockages for heat exchange and they also block thermostat valves and control mechanisms. Removes deposits containing oil and lime and ensures that the engine runs reliably and at the optimum temperature. Does not contain aggressive acids or alkalis.
Suitable for all coolant circuits. Compatible with all conventional coolant additives and antifreezes. Contents of can are sufficient to treat 5 liters of coolant.
How to use
It is recommended to add Motorbike Radiator Cleaner if problems arise or before changing the coolant. Depending on the level of contamination, run the engine at operating temperature for 10-30 minutes. Drain the cleaner and flush out the cooling system with water. Fill cooling system according to manufacturer's specifications. Contents of can are sufficient to treat 5 liters of coolant.
Suitable for all coolant circuits. Compatible with all conventional coolant additives and antifreezes. Contents of can are sufficient to treat 5 liters of coolant.
- removes oil and grease-based contaminants
- chemical conversion of lime
- compatible with antifreeze
- neutral behavior on rubber and plastics
- neutralizes acids
- disperses sludge
How to use
It is recommended to add Motorbike Radiator Cleaner if problems arise or before changing the coolant. Depending on the level of contamination, run the engine at operating temperature for 10-30 minutes. Drain the cleaner and flush out the cooling system with water. Fill cooling system according to manufacturer's specifications. Contents of can are sufficient to treat 5 liters of coolant.
Fabrikant: Liqui Moly GmbH | Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 | 89081 Ulm-Lehr | Germany | +49 73114200 | |
Veroorzaakt ernstig oogletsel
Fabrikantinfo: LIQUI MOLY
Naar LIQUI MOLY artikeloverzicht
LIQUI MOLY - hightech-additieven voor je motorGebaseerd op een patent voor het vloeibaar maken van molybdeendisulfide (MoS2) werd het bedrijf in 1957 in het Duitse Ulm opgericht. Vandaag de dag is LIQUI MOLY een wereldwijd gerenommeerde specialist voor smeermiddelen en additieven. Speciaal voor motor-motoren heeft LIQUI MOLY een breed palet aan olie- en brandstofadditieven in zijn assortiment. Getest in de racesport. Voor een lang motorleven en optimale prestaties.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
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