Zadelbekleding carbonlook
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Zadelbekleding carbonlook UNIVERSELE MAAT 85X55CM
Universele zadelbekleding "carbonlook"
- Deze zwarte zadelbekleding in carbonlook geeft uw motor of scooter een sportieve uitstraling.
- De bekleding biedt bovendien een hoog zitcomfort en een perfecte grip.
- Maat: 85 x 55 cm
Karl-Heinz-Dorn, a former motocross racer and enthusiastic motorbike tourer, still tests many of his firm's products on the road himself. The entire development and production operations, right through to shipping of the finished products, are located at the company's plant in Germany.
All KAHEDO products meet the most demanding quality standards and undergo extensive and thorough testing under real conditions. Between them, our test bikers have decades of motorbike experience, and the findings of the tests are incorporated into the development and manufacture of our products.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
- Easy-care
- Durable
- Weatherproof
Cleaning and care couldn't be easier - Simply apply plastic cleaner with a cloth and wipe off dirt and insects, finished!
With leatherette, you can forget about time-consuming cleaning, air-drying, regreasing and polishing. And as for the appearance? Modern, high-quality leatherette not only feels luxuriously supple, it is almost indistinguishable from genuine leather to the naked eye.
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