Belangrijke aanwijzingen
Voor ombouw van Bilux-koplamp naar H4-koplamp.
Lighting and electronics for the automotive industry and supplying spare parts to the trade are the core business of Hella KGaA, whose group headquarters is in Lippstadt. Today Hella is among Germany's 100 largest industrial concerns. Throughout the world some 23,000 people are employed in over 65 production plants, subsidiaries and joint ventures, while more than 2,000 engineers and technicians work in R&D. Hella's customers include all leading automotive and system manufacturers and also the spare parts trade.
- The year the brand was born: 1899
- Product groups: headlights, lamps, reflectors, wiring systems, visual/acoustic warning systems, headlight beam setters, bulbs
- Heller is a quality and innovation leader
- Exclusive features of the brand: xenon / bi-xenon technology, VARILIS technology, intelligent light, LED
- Other characteristics of the brand: innovative lighting technology, LEDs, light guides, top design, perfect blend of function and styling
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