Belangrijke aanwijzingen
Service-Set 6-DLG.
Elring service-set, 6-delig
De "do it yourself"-oplossing voor het afdichten van motor, transmissie of bij 1000 andere dingen.
De set bevat:
1x FW-522 (afmetingen: 210 x 300 x 1,25 mm/temperatuurbest. tot +250Β°C)
1x EWP 207 (afmetingen: 210 x 300 x 0,75 mm/temperatuurbest. tot +200Β°C)
1x Abil N (afmetingen: 210 x 300 x 1,00 mm/temperatuurbest. tot +120Β°C)
1x Abil N (afmetingen: 210 x 300 x 0,75 mm/temperatuurbest. tot +120Β°C)
1x Abil N (afmetingen: 210 x 300 x 0,50 mm/temperatuurbest. tot +120Β°C)
1x Abil N (afmetingen: 210 x 300 x 0,25 mm/temperatuurbest. tot +120Β°C)
The companies Elring and Klinger, founded in 1879 and 1885 respectively, merged in 1994 to form ElringKlinger GmbH. This was followed in 2000 by a merger with the parent company ZWL to create today's ElringKlinger AG. Curil sealing compounds were launched around 1930 and have been continuously optimised since then. All the sealing compounds are manufactured in Germany, although production plants can be found all over the world, including Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, China, South Korea, Japan and India. Curil T is the leading sealing compound for automobile and engine repairs - for sealing finely machined, rigid surfaces. Curil T is used by the automotive industry for development and series production.
ELRING KLINGER acts as a main supplier to some 95% of all car engine manufacturers. In the motorcycle sector its customers include such famous names as Ducati, Harley-Davidson, Rotax, BMW and Aprilia. When it comes to metal gasket manufacturing, ELRING KLINGER ranks as the sole market and technology leader.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
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