Clubstyle Pullback Riser - 1 1/4" Hbars
6"/8"/10" Elevation
Art. No. 10055575
Belangrijke aanwijzingen
€ 349,00 2
vanaf € 279,00 1
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Clubstyle Pullback Riser - 1 1/4" Hbars 6"/8"/10" Elevation
Sometimes it has to be a little more. For example, more handlebar height and with your Harley-Davidson. From Heinz Bikes come the *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* in 6"/8"/10" inch length. They are compatible with OEM handlebars and MX style handlebars with a clamping range of 1 1/4". With the optional adapters from Heinz Bikes, the risers can also be used with handlebars of 1.125" (1 1/8 inch) thickness.
The special feature: the upper bridge of the *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* is made of one piece. For maximum torsional rigidity and stability. The great Heinz Bikes *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* collection is made of high-quality billet aluminum and is available in high-gloss black or silver anodized. Paired with the upper clamp bridge in high-gloss black, gold, red or silver anodized draw these handlebar risers all eyes on him. So you also get the right mix of comfort & control.
Combine your *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* color with the Heinzbikes *MX Footpegs* (10055600, 10055612) and with the *Clubstyle Handlebar Bag* (10055626).
The special feature: the upper bridge of the *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* is made of one piece. For maximum torsional rigidity and stability. The great Heinz Bikes *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* collection is made of high-quality billet aluminum and is available in high-gloss black or silver anodized. Paired with the upper clamp bridge in high-gloss black, gold, red or silver anodized draw these handlebar risers all eyes on him. So you also get the right mix of comfort & control.
Combine your *Clubstyle Pullback Riser* color with the Heinzbikes *MX Footpegs* (10055600, 10055612) and with the *Clubstyle Handlebar Bag* (10055626).
- high quality billet aluminum, CNC machined
- extreme stability and torsional stiffness
- pullback riser in 6"/8/10 length
- riser available with 2 surface finishes: high gloss black or silver anodized
- upper clamp bridge in 4 custom colors: black high gloss, silver, gold or red anodized
- Perforation for invisible internal wiring
- 1 1/4" clamping range
- optional adapter for 1 1/8" handlebar diameter (10055599)
- Premium Quality - German Made
- TÜV approved
- inclusive GTÜ parts certificate
Fabrikantinfo: HeinzBikes
Al overgrootvader Heinz leefde voor het motorrijden en was een succesvol racer. En in zijn geest wordt het familiebedrijf tot op heden geleid: HeinzBikes Custom Parts. Aanvankelijk specialiseerde men zich op de productie van exclusieve aanbouwdelen voor Harley-Davidson motoren, trefwoord: baggerombouw. Maar inmiddels ontwikkelen en produceren HeinzBikes ook voor alle andere motormerken E-goedgekeurde LED-armaturen, LED-vork- of LED-achterknipperlichten. Bijzonder trots zijn de handwerkslieden uit het Havelland op de innovatieve All-in-One-kentekenplaathouder. Elk product van HeinzBikes wordt met liefde voor het details gemaakt en stuk voor stuk met de hand voltooid.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
To ensure that it gives you many years of service, please observe the following care instructions:
1. After installing the product, and each time you wash your motorbike, apply a wax-based care product, e.g. Procycle Polishing Wax, Order no. 10004923 for protection against wind and weather. You may need to repeat the application after an outing in winter weather, rain or salty air (near the coast).
2. Remove any corrosion as soon as possible using a standard aluminium polish (e.g. Autosol Aluminium Polish, Order no. 10004421).
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