Art. No. 10080217
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US-Drypack Assembly Kit for Triumph Speed Triple
The US-Drypack assembly kit is specially designed for the motorcycle model Triumph Speed Triple 1050. The kit consists of high-quality Hypalonβ’/Nylon belt loops that can be attached with the existing attachment points under the pillion seat. Once mounted, they allow easy attachment of any size or combination of Kriega US drypacks.
The US-Drypack assembly kit is specially designed for the motorcycle model Triumph Speed Triple 1050. The kit consists of high-quality Hypalonβ’/Nylon belt loops that can be attached with the existing attachment points under the pillion seat. Once mounted, they allow easy attachment of any size or combination of Kriega US drypacks.
- 4x hypalon belt loops (95 mm, hole: 6 mm)
- 8x M6 washers
- Remove the seat from the seat.
- Slide the M6 washers into the ends of the screw-on loops.
- Add another washer at the top and attach the loops to the bottom of the seat using the existing seat belt screws.
Fabrikantinfo: Kriega
Dom Longman and Michael Cottam are the fathers of the Kriega brand. The motorcycle-mad product designers were already working in the outdoor industry when they joined forces in 2000 to design the optimal luggage for their own tours. The two had very clear priorities: Function always comes first. Appearance and pricing are secondary. Such a philosophy naturally has consequences: Luggage systems from Kriega are certainly not cheap - but they are definitely good value. The quality of materials and workmanship then also puts the purchase costs into perspective. In addition, there are many possible combinations of the individual parts, which fit together neatly. By the way: US at Kriega stands for Universal System and OS for Overlander System. The latter is specially designed for particularly tough off-road use. Kriega's sophisticated concept didn't just convince us. The company, based a few miles south of Liverpool, now sells its bags, backpacks and fastening systems in over 40 countries.
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