Smart Air Airbagsysteem
Art. No. 218891
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Smart Air Airbagsysteem
The evolution of the Dainese Smart Jacket: Smart Air is an innovative airbag system which, thanks to the new minimalist concept, is incredibly light and ergonomic and can be worn both over and under any outfit.
Extremely protective thanks to the revolutionary D-air Road system on the chest and back, the Smart Air offers maximum comfort thanks to its extreme lightness.
The strength of the new Smart Air is the triple activation of the airbag without having to change it, as well as the practicality of the gas generator, which you can easily replace yourself.
The sizes of the new airbag vest are double sizes (XS/S; M/L; XL/XXL)!
The fabric of the Smart Jacket is stretchy and should fit under/over most items in your standard size.
For example, if you wear an S, then XS/S is perfectly adequate for you.
The width of the vest can also be adjusted using a zipper. If you always wear the vest under a jacket and want to wear it over it as an exception, that's no problem at all. The zippers on the sides turn an XS into an S, an M into an L and so on in no time at all.
Good to know:
Extremely protective thanks to the revolutionary D-air Road system on the chest and back, the Smart Air offers maximum comfort thanks to its extreme lightness.
The strength of the new Smart Air is the triple activation of the airbag without having to change it, as well as the practicality of the gas generator, which you can easily replace yourself.
- easy self-starting via the D-air app
- rechargeable battery that lasts up to 26 hours
- well ventilated and breathable
- extremely lightweight and ergonomic
- compact pack size
- can be worn under or over any outfit - the vest can be enlarged for this purpose using a side zipper
- revolutionary D-air road airbag with triple activation
- with integrated, easily replaceable gas generator
- Certified level 2 airbag on the chest and back
The sizes of the new airbag vest are double sizes (XS/S; M/L; XL/XXL)!
The fabric of the Smart Jacket is stretchy and should fit under/over most items in your standard size.
For example, if you wear an S, then XS/S is perfectly adequate for you.
The width of the vest can also be adjusted using a zipper. If you always wear the vest under a jacket and want to wear it over it as an exception, that's no problem at all. The zippers on the sides turn an XS into an S, an M into an L and so on in no time at all.
Good to know:
- The vest must be sent in after 3 deployments, as only trained personnel are allowed to repair the airbags - deployment service: airbag replacement β¬249.95 + new gas cartridge β¬119.00 = β¬368.95
- The vest should be sent in for maintenance every three years - the maintenance service at Dainese is free of charge. Only a shipping and handling fee of EUR 59.99 will be charged
- With the new Smart Air model, you can easily replace the gas cartridge yourself: Item no. 10057838 (maximum 2x, after the third activation the vest must be sent in)
Fabrikant: Dainese S.p.A. | Via Louvigny, 35 | 36064 Colceresa | Italien | info@dainese.com
Fabrikantinfo: Dainese
Hoe kunnen we de betekenis van het merk Dainese het beste beschrijven? Misschien wel zo: Giacomo Agostini, Barry Sheene, Toni Mang, Kenny Roberts, Freddie Spencer, Max Biaggi, Valentino Rossi. De lijst van wereldkampioenen in Dainese-outfits lijkt wel een who-is-who van de Grand Prix-sport van de afgelopen 50 jaar. Of je noemt de baanbrekende innovaties op: de eerste rugprotector (1978), de eerste kneeslider (1980), de eerste aerodynamische bult (1988), het eerste zelfstandige airbagsysteem (2000). En ook deze lijst zou willekeurig kunnen worden uitgebreid. EΓ©n ding is zeker: Dainese heeft de motorwereld steeds weer gerevolutioneerd en maakt motorrijden tot op de dag van vandaag nog steeds mooier en veiliger.
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